Grounding: The simplest thing you can do to get real health benefits
Each year, the average person spends 36 whole days scrolling through social media. That’s more than an entire month of your life—every single year—lost forever to a screen. But unfortunately, it’s not surprising.
Think about it: When you’re waiting in the check-out line at the grocery store, what do you typically see?
Nine times out of ten, the person in front of you isn’t unloading their cart because they’re too busy scrolling through their phone. When you’re driving home, the person in the car next to you isn’t looking at the road in front of them, but rather, at the phone in their hand. And when you get home, your kids are glued to the TV or their tablets or whichever new device Apple came out with this month.
Spending so much time in front of technology is draining—both mentally and physically. Social media alone has been tied to negative side effects such as poorer self-image, depression, and anxiety. But more than that, such technology emits harmful frequencies known as EMF radiation that has been linked to cancer.
From the rubber-soled shoes we wear and the beds we sleep in to the unbelievable amount of screen time we participate in and the lack of time we spend outdoors, we’re more disconnected from nature than ever.
So does that mean you should cancel your Netflix subscription, toss your cellphone in the trash, and sleep out in the woods and hope you don’t get mauled by a bear? No. But have you ever wanted a way to disconnect from all the noise and recharge? If so, you’re in the right place.
Today we’re going to talk about how to recharge your body’s batteries by a natural, simple method called grounding.
What is grounding?
Grounding, also called earthing, is a way to directly connect your energy with the natural frequencies of the earth.
Think of the earth as one giant battery. When you connect to it, you tether yourself to the electrons roaming across the earth’s surface.
How to ground yourself
Grounding is an extremely simple process. You can start by doing any of the following actions:
leaving your shoes behind and going barefoot when you take your dogs outside in the grass
taking a long walk on the beach without flip-flops—or your phone glued to your ear
swimming in the ocean
laying on the ground outside
The key to making this effective is to be consistent when you ground yourself. When you’re first starting out, try to get into the habit of doing it 5-10 minutes each day to make it more achievable. Then work your way up to grounding yourself 20-30 minutes each day to really feel the results.
Because when you ground yourself long enough and consistently, you can reap some serious health benefits.
The health benefits of grounding
Can you really improve your health from standing in the grass or on the sand? I know it seems a little too good to be true, but it’s not. People have a tendency to think that unless something requires every ounce of energy they have left, is extremely complex, or costs an arm and a leg, that it’s not effective. It can’t be. Well, this is.
May help limit pain and inflammation
The body requires energy to function properly. And when the body gets worn down through stress, injury, or other trauma, cells become depleted and aren’t able to work at their optimal level. That’s when pain and inflammation set up shop in your body and present themselves through achy joints, a stiff back and/or neck, limited mobility, and more.
Research suggests that through grounding, the electrons that roam on the earth’s surface connect with the skin and travel into the body, refueling those depleted, war-torn cells and may help to curb pain and inflammation along the way.
May help you get a better night’s sleep and reduce stress levels
Sleeping is one of the most important times of the day for your body because that’s when the body goes into repair and recovery mode, whether that’s from stressful events that happen to us, injuries, or illness.
But I’m willing to guess you’ve had your fair share of nights spent tossing and turning, which depletes your body’s ability to work at its optimal level and protect itself. If so, you’re not alone. In fact, 1 in 3 American adults don’t consistently get the recommended amount (7-8 hours) of uninterrupted sleep each night needed for good health.
Emerging research indicates grounding may be a way to fight off tossing and turning and get longer, more restful sleep. Grounding has also been found to almost immediately reduce stress levels. Dealing with a lower level of stress helps you to have better sleep quality, including the ability to fall asleep faster.
May provide better EMF protection
Mindlessly scrolling through Facebook or spending hours on Zoom calls isn’t as harmless as you might think.
When we’re on our phone, computer, or tablet, we’re inevitably absorbing the low-level frequencies they put out, which are known as EMF radiation. The National Toxicology Program found that the frequencies emitted by 2G and 3G cellphones are “clearly associated with” malignant heart tumors in rats. They also conducted research to find what damage comes along with long-term use (several months) of said cellphones. The results? Significant DNA damage to the brain, liver, and white blood cells.
And when DNA is damaged and goes unrepaired, it can lead to the development of tumors in the body. Keep in mind, this research was conducted with just 2G and 3G devices. We’re up to 5G now.
Limiting the time you spend using technology is better for your health, period. But when you pair that with reconnecting to the earth’s natural frequencies, you put your body in a much better position to protect itself from harmful EMF radiation.
How to ground yourself and reduce EMFs—without sweltering in the Florida heat
If standing outside in 90-degree humid weather for 30 minutes (or more) each day doesn’t sound too appealing, you still have options. Grounding can easily be done in the comfort of air conditioning with a device called a grounding mat.
A grounding mat emits the same electrical frequencies given off by the earth, allowing you to reap all the benefits of grounding while laying on it indoors.
But there’s also a device known as the PEMF mat that not only grounds you to the earth’s magnetic field but also reduces the toxic EMF radiation molecules that have inevitably piled up in your body through using cellphones, computers, tablets, and so on. A PEMF session is about 35 minutes and can be done multiple times per week.
If you want to ground yourself and go a step further and eliminate harmful radiation from your body, feel free to call our office, Stuart Chiropractic Center, at 772-287-0122 or email us at to schedule your PEMF session today.